Flax Seed Meal.

If you buy flax seed meal (aka Linseed), apart from benefiting from one of the two essential fatty acids you require, minerals, lignans etc, you acquire fibre. So what you ask? Well, what you are getting is something which really is an essential part of a well balanced healthy diet. So here is a breakdown of the principle positives that fibre brings you:

Reduces the risk of diverticular disease and constipation: Water is absorbed by the fibre from flax seed meal. This makes the contents of your bowel to swell up and it is this soft bulked content that your body's digestive tract finds easier to pass along its length compared to hard dehydrated contents. The movement of bowel contents is also helped by the oils obtained within flax seed. Do you think that the best source of fibre is via wheat produce? Well you could be surprised to learn that you are wrong! There is a compound found in wheat called phytates. Phytates lessen your chance to absorb certain minerals for example zinc and calcium. It is preferable to not consume too much wheat and obtain your fibre by blending together the fibre of fruit, lentils, beans and raw vegetables.

Reduces the risk of bowel cancer: you have just learned that the Flax seed meal insoluble fibre helps to stop constipation. One benefit of this is that if there are any carcinogens within your meal, the time your bowel contents take to move through you is not too long and so the time you are exposed to these toxins is minimized. The growth of friendly bowel bacteria is also encouraged by the flax seed fibre and part of their benefit is they are an added protection to your bowel.

Helps to maintain proper blood glucose levels and so a normal weight. The fibre in flax seed meal achieves this on a number of levels. First, high fibre foods are more filling and so decrease hunger and appetite. Obviously by default, you will consume less and you will have less risk of putting on weight through over eating. Soluble fibre joins to sugar molecules. This decreases the rate that sugars get into our blood stream. When the glucose levels are slow to increase in your blood, you don't require as much insulin to be released. The job of insulin in your body is to take glucose out of your blood and store it in your body as fat. Therefore, fibre helps to lessen the amount of fat you are likely to store. Lower insulin levels also mean your energy levels last for longer, so less need to consume more via eating between meals for example.

If you increase the fibre in your diet it is a must to increase your water intake to avoid a bowel blockage. Ideally you need to obtain approximately 35g/day of fibre and it is commonly reported that the average person in the UK and USA only gets approximately 20g/day. Introducing flax seed meal into your diet could be just the thing to help you achieve a healthier more balanced diet as it is convenient and easy: you just open the packaging and scatter over your food e.g. yogurts, cereals etc.